Monday, April 27, 2009

Up, Up and Away

I'm taking a Leadership Class through the Archdale Trinity Chamber of Commerce and it's been a wonderful, interesting, eye-opening experience. Sort of like field trips for adults. Last week we had "Economic Day" and had the opportunity to visit some of the larger scale industries in our area. I learned that Tony the Tiger actually lives in Archdale. It's true, I saw him with my own eyes--who knew, he keeps a very low profile. I would say that I never see him at the local grocery store, but that's not exactly true, now is it?!

This photo was taken by Andee Edelson from the Randolph County Partnership for Children. (Thanks Andee.) I'm getting ready to take a ride I will never forget--several stories high on a crane in the storage facility at Hafele. I had no idea such technology existed right here in little ol' Archdale. Quite a ride!

Our adventure also included tours of:
-A John Deere musuem in Trinity--which I never even knew existed
-SSG/Brand Intense--there's some serious marketing technology going on in that place
-Trinity Furnitures manufacturing plant--facinating
-Linwood Hall--an amazing architectural gem hidden away in Trinity

We also got to enjoy speakers on Industrial Recruitment, Growth Trends, and have a hands-on exercize dealing with commerce. I'm sure you can imagine how tired my little pea brain was at the end of the day.

I can't wait for next month's adventures!

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