Friday, November 21, 2008

Family Fun

Check out this beautiful family! I met Kelly about 4 years ago when Hope was a baby, and we've had a lot of fun together. Now Avery is a young man, Hope is a big girl, and we have Austin to bring up the rear as the baby of the family. He's a year old now. I tried to tell Kelly that it was time to talk to Brian about trying for #4, but she yelled at me. Oh well. I tried.

One of the best parts of my profession is getting to watch families as they grow and change. It's a real mix of emotions, so much fun to see the way kids grow and become such unique little people, but kinda sad as they grow out of their babyhood. Plus as they get older, I recognize that they're not the only ones having birthdays. But we don't need to focus on that.

You'll be seeing more of Austin as we get the new web site going. We have a really adorable shot of him a few months ago that will have to go on the site! And no, I don't really know when that will be--too many irons in the fire around here. Maybe before the end of the year.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Something Different--Raquet Girls

I had a chance to do something different the other day, a model shoot. Just so you know, it was pretty strange to photograph someone and then hand them a check for coming, that's just not the way we usually do things around here. That's not to say I don't photograph models from time to time, I do. But they're usually hiring me, not the other way around.

This fun session was for a new company out of Georgia called Raquet Girls. So it was their check I gave the model, that made it easier. They are launching a line of tennis clothing for tweenagers, and they have some very cool items. Nothing I would wear, mind you, but then I'm not a tweenager. They are building the web site now, and if you want to check them out go to

The owner/designer was once a professional photographer, and I was flattered to say the least when she called wanting to hire me. She had tried to find someone in Georgia, or in the area of Florida closest to her, but wasn't happy with anything she saw.

Our lovely model is Miss Taylor Ann, and she isn't only lovely, she's sweet and talented. She is an accomplished harpist. The newest sample portrait here at the studio is of her playing the harp. We're planning a little Open House for the studio in mid-January (after the holiday season calms down) and she'll be here with her harp to enchant us. You should come! More on that later.

And no, that's not twins. It's the magic of Photoshop. Thanks, Raquet Girls, and Taylor Anne-that was fun!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Old Salem

My hubby and I recently took a “mental health day” and went to Old Salem. We’ve been there a number of times, and I’ve been on the tour a couple of times with my nieces, but it was the first time he’s had the actual tour. The weather was perfect, and we had a wonderful day!

I’m the camera nerd who is taking abstract photos of little details. Randy on the other hand is the mechanical and carpentry inclined type who is analyzing how the fasteners work on the authentic shutters, and enjoying the craftsmanship and joinery. He really enjoyed the metal shop, since he used to work as a machinist. We are both people lovers, each in our own ways…him in a quieter way than mine, (just keep those remarks to yourself please) so we loved talking to the guides in their period costumes.

One area I had not seen before was the 1875 Photograph Gallery (can you say studio). There was a wonderful quote in that exhibit: “Those who are comely will of course get a handsome picture, and even those who are particularly hard-featured, need not stand back, as the instruments are warranted not to crack. (Lineback’s New Photograph Gallery, People’s Press, February 26, 1869)” Perhaps I need to add a warranty like this to my work??

I had the chance to see something I had only read about, the tool used to hold peoples heads still for their portraits. Back in “the day” an exposure took several minutes, not the milliseconds it does today, and you had to be perfectly still to avoid blurring the photo. That’s why you don’t see anyone smiling in an antique portrait, nobody could hold a smile steady long enough..they looked stiff because they were stiff. Hummm…wonder if one of those tools would work on two year olds…just a thought.

If your family hasn’t been, or hasn’t been in a while, try to find time to go for a visit at Old Salem. Seems like we’ve been going non-stop for a good while, so it was a real treat to take a day to ourselves. And yes, we did visit the bakery. Yum.

I’m kinda, sorta, halfway working on a line of fine-art photos, you know, in my spare time, ha ha. Several of the images from our outing will become part of that series. The photos here are a bit of a sneak peak for you. Enjoy!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Feelin' like a Teenager!

OK, I'm not sure I believe this myself, but I just hosted a slumber party. Yep, a real honest-to-goodness slumber party. Food, girlfriends, staying up late, gossip...and a bit of work thrown in.

Two of my best photographer girlfriends (part of the group we call the ShutterChicks) came and we camped out in the studio on Wednesday night to work on some exciting new products. These are going to be very sentimental items, with a lot of personalization, and we wanted to spend some time brainstorming about how to get it just right. We worked/played/burned candles/ate until about 2:00 in the morning, and then I couldn't sleep because my brain was whirling.

The three of us had been to a seminar over the weekend (which was wonderful) and got these ideas from a wonderful photographer from Boston. They are called "Love Letters" and "Love Stories." The Love Letters is a special folio presentation that includes a portrait and a hand-written letter to the recipient sealed in an envelope. There will be a guide to writing the letter included with each one.

I'm really excited about this! I am going to make one of myself for my husband and I'm planning to photograph each of my sisters and my brother and ask them to write a letter to each of their children. This is going to be my Christmas gift to my nieces and nephews. (I hope they're not reading this....guess that might ruin the surprise.)

The Love Stories is a whole different idea, with a multi-media presentation included. It's all about couples in love, from young to old. Can't wait to get this ready either, it's gonna be super cool!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Special Visit from Ronald

Guess WHAT! We just had a surprise, a personal visit from a famous celebrity. He's starred in tons of commercials for an international company, is the second most recognized entity on the planet (right behind Santa) and has hair the same color as my lobby walls! It's Ronald McDonald. For real, no joke!

We couldn't resist the photo here's a quick shot of me and Vanessa (my studio manager) with Ronald. Say CHEESEburger!

First Post: Welcome to the Family

Hello out there!!!

Wow, I can't believe it. After hearing about blogging for a long time, and deciding ages ago that I wanted to have one of my very own, I finally have found my long-lost "round tuit" and here it is.

Honestly, I'm not sure what kind of stuff will end up in here. I know there are things I want to share with you, and this will let me do that even in the wee hours (when I often find myself in front of a blinking screen). The content I expect to share most often are new ideas and inspirations, what's going on at the studio and in my life, and some cool shots I got that I just wanted to share with the world. Oh, and some funny stories along the wouldn't believe some of the things I hear and see.

For this first post, I want to share the two happy new additions to my family.

First, I have a brand-spankin' new great-nephew, Jacob. Yes, that makes me a Great-Aunt--of course my nieces and nephews will all tell you that I was already a great aunt. ;-) Despite the fact that he is making me feel old, I think he's completely adorable. Born on Sept 18th, and weighing in at only 4lbs, 13.5 oz, he was a tiny little thing but full-term and healthy. He's packin' on the pounds already!

Jacob certainly wins a prize for being photographed before he even got home, these were taken at the hospital when he was only 2 days old. Like most of my family he lives in Virginia, so I wont get to see him nearly enough, but I'm anxious to get back "home" and capture new photos! After Thanksgiving you will probably see him here again.

Our second addition to the family is a new sister-in-law. My brother Randy, (not to be confused with my husband Randy) married a beautiful woman named Evelyn in a small outdoor ceremony at his vacation cabin. Both of them are nature lovers so having the wedding at the cabin surrounded by national forest and close friends and family was the perfect way to start their new life as a couple. I'm so happy for them!

I will say, it's not a typical day when I stop by the hospital to photograph a newborn on my way to shoot a wedding. Yep, big stuff happening around here.