Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 8, 2010 - Photo of the Day - No, It's Not a Spaceship

Well...this is one of those days where the photo didn't come easily. I was on my way home from a seminar in Charlotte that lasted until 10:30 at night and still didn't have my photo. I decided I would drive into Thomasville and get a shot of "The Big Chair," but wouldn't you know it, there wasn't enough light on it to even try. So imagine this, I'm driving around town in the middle of the night, trying to keep one eye on the road and scan my surroundings for something cool to photograph with the other. I figure any minute a town cop is going to pull me over for being suspicious.

The iconic, world record breaking Big Chair in the center of town square wasn't lit, but this water tower was lit up like a Christmas tree just glowing in the sky. Anybody else see any humor in that?

I'm trying to think of some way to make the tower look cool, and decided that I needed to be underneath it. It reminded me of a spaceship at the time. However, looking at the finished image, it reminds me a lot of a jellyfish. Kinda funny, jellyfish live in water, and this tank is full of water. OK, it was funny in my head. In the end, this is a much more creative image than I would have gotten with the Big Chair.

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