Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hats off to Plumbers!

The last 24 hours have renewed my respect for plumbers. Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

We've noticed an odd smell in the water at the studio for a while now. It didn't smell bad all the time, but when it did the scent was getting stronger. Kinda a rotten egg smell mixed with home-perm ammonia. Sounds lovely doesn't it? Finally we figured out that it was somehow only associated with the hot water.

Yesterday our landlord's plumber came and got our problem fixed, yea! He was polite, thoughtful, explained things, did what he said he would do, and made it a pleasant experience all the way around. We're happy, yes, very happy.

But that's not the only reason I'm so filled with awe and respect for plumbers today. Nope, not at all. This morning I must have had an attack of stupidity, and took it upon myself to repair our leaky toilet at home. It started leaking last week, and we bought the parts, but my talented hubby has been working on other "Honey Do" projects and hadn't gotten to this one yet.

I was anxious to have it done, as I don't like either trekking to the other end of the house to use the guest bathroom or trying to remember to turn the water on and off for each flush. The kit came with instructions, and I figured it was probably a 15 minute job. Right? Wrong! I also figured my honey would be filled with awe when he found out what I had done. Ha, ha. Maybe, but only if I don't tell him the entire story.

My 15 minute project took an hour and a half. I won't bore you with all the details, but I will tell you that I have now had two bonus showers, and the bathroom walls are much cleaner than they were yesterday. So is the bottom of the towel cabinet over the toilet. FYI, if you've never tried this at home, you might be surprised to know that the water that fills a toilet in wintertime is very doggone cold.

I'm really happy to be at work now. I'm a pretty good photographer and artist, but it takes a special kind of talent to be a plumber. Keepin' my day job. Yep. Definitely!

1 comment:

  1. Hi all,

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