OK, I usually don't make resolutions. January first just isn't prime time for me to make big changes in my life. I think it's just too cold and the days are too short. Seems like Spring is a better time to think about a fresh start.

This year I did make a New Year's Decision. Here's the story. Those of you who know me best know that although I would be lost at work without my camera, I rarely take snapshots or create images just for me. I actually have gone on vacation or home for Christmas and forgotten to take a camera. Really, I have. Sometimes I'm driving down the road and see something I'd love to have a picture of, and alas, no camera.
My big New Year's Decision therefore, is to take at least one photo every day during 2010 for no good reason. My plan is to post them here to share. I think this will make me more creative, and at the same time remind me to take a camera with me more often on everyday excursions.
If you follow this, I think you'll find out pretty quickly that I'm attracted to texture and facinated by light. And perhaps I have a unique (translated wierd) way of seeing the world I live in. I hope we enjoy this adventure together.
Now that I think about it, maybe part of this idea came from dragging my husband to the "Julie and Julia" movie. At least I can't gain weight from taking photos, can I? Here's my photo from January 1, 2010. The view out my kitchen window.

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