Sometimes I just love my job. Ok, most of the time I love my job, but some days are particularly wonderful. Like the day I got to create beautiful newborn photos of Olivia.
This is Little Miss Olivia, she's perfect and beautiful, and I just have to tell you, when I heard she was expected my heart sang. Not only because I thought I would have another sweet little one to photograph, (she is sweet, and I do get excited about new babies to photograph) but because of the history I have with her parents.
You see, I'm a volunteer photographer for an international organization called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS.) We provide infant bereavement photography free for families suffering the loss of a baby. Karen and Travis were my very first session for NILMDTS, and they hold a special place in my heart. Their first child, a beautiful little angel named Travis Jr., was lost due to a birth defect, and I photographed this precious family in the hospital shortly after his birth and passing.
I've done a number of sessions for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep since then, but none are as strong in my memory as Travis Jr.'s. His family are powerful role models for grace in difficult times, and my experience with them made a huge impact on me. I've prayed for them often over the past couple of years, and hoped they would have their hearts desire of more children.
So YEAH! When I met Olivia my heart melted. She's not only an answer to prayer, she's also one lucky little girl to have a loving home and two strong, faith-filled people for parents. Plus she has the cutest little toes! I'm going to enjoy watching her grow up. Yes, I am.