This photo was taken by Andee Edelson from the Randolph County Partnership for Children. (Thanks Andee.) I'm getting ready to take a ride I will never forget--several stories high on a crane in the storage facility at Hafele. I had no idea such technology existed right here in little ol' Archdale. Quite a ride!
Our adventure also included tours of:
-A John Deere musuem in Trinity--which I never even knew existed
-SSG/Brand Intense--there's some serious marketing technology going on in that place
-Trinity Furnitures manufacturing plant--facinating
-Linwood Hall--an amazing architectural gem hidden away in Trinity
We also got to enjoy speakers on Industrial Recruitment, Growth Trends, and have a hands-on exercize dealing with commerce. I'm sure you can imagine how tired my little pea brain was at the end of the day.
I can't wait for next month's adventures!