To be honest, I was a little afraid that I wouldn’t be able to remember names, I’m soooo bad at that sometimes, particularly when I get in a tizz. (That's Rhonda-speak for the mad frantic rush I get in when I have taken on more than I can get done it the time allotted.) I’ll see someone I know, and remember all kinds of little details about them and their family, even have flashbacks of specific photos I’ve created for them, but not remember a name. But I think I did pretty good, I don’t think I called anyone Fred who was really named Sally. At least I hope not.
I was particularly pleased to have our honored guests Joe and Joyce Nelson, formerly of Nelson’s Photography, with us. They were the first ones to have a photography studio in our space, and it has been a true joy to get to know them. Joe shared with Vanessa and me how he and Joyce had things when they were here, and we discovered that some of the cabinets we’re using in our office were built by Joe. They started with about 1/3 as much space as we currently occupy, so I feel pretty spoiled. Maybe they didn’t collect as much Just Ultra Neat Knick-knacks (J.U.N.K.) as I have?
Daniel Pendell won the Grand Prize of the painting, and Caitlyn Councilman took home Mr. Nelson’s beautiful wooden vase. Congratulations to both of you. We’re still working on notifying all the winners of the other prizes, so if you haven’t heard yet, don’t give up hope…you still have a chance.

The kids had fun with the piƱata, and it was harder to break open than I expected. We, OK they, also discovered that the
pieces made great party hats. Yeah, fun! The ladies enjoyed the nail station, thanks Amy for being here; I really enjoyed getting pampered with the paraffin wax treatment myself. Of course there was too much food left over, but we’re recovering nicely. I only gained a couple of pounds, and that could have been much worse.
I was particularly pleased to have our honored guests Joe and Joyce Nelson, formerly of Nelson’s Photography, with us. They were the first ones to have a photography studio in our space, and it has been a true joy to get to know them. Joe shared with Vanessa and me how he and Joyce had things when they were here, and we discovered that some of the cabinets we’re using in our office were built by Joe. They started with about 1/3 as much space as we currently occupy, so I feel pretty spoiled. Maybe they didn’t collect as much Just Ultra Neat Knick-knacks (J.U.N.K.) as I have?
Daniel Pendell won the Grand Prize of the painting, and Caitlyn Councilman took home Mr. Nelson’s beautiful wooden vase. Congratulations to both of you. We’re still working on notifying all the winners of the other prizes, so if you haven’t heard yet, don’t give up hope…you still have a chance.

The kids had fun with the piƱata, and it was harder to break open than I expected. We, OK they, also discovered that the

On a related but separate note, we’ve had a sign installed to help you find our building. It went up just in time for the open house. After all these years of being incognito, it feels strange to be on display for the public. But I'm excited about it (doesn't take much to excite me, huh?) since it seems like a step forward for the studio.
I'll write more soon, in the meantime, take care!