Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Open House was a Hit!

Thanks everyone! We had a full house for the Open House 10 Year Anniversary party. I know it was Valentine's Day, and some of you had plans, but I was amazed at how many people shared part of their day with us. It's very humbling to have so many of you both as friends and as clients. My clients are THE BEST!

To be honest, I was a little afraid that I wouldn’t be able to remember names, I’m soooo bad at that sometimes, particularly when I get in a tizz. (That's Rhonda-speak for the mad frantic rush I get in when I have taken on more than I can get done it the time allotted.) I’ll see someone I know, and remember all kinds of little details about them and their family, even have flashbacks of specific photos I’ve created for them, but not remember a name. But I think I did pretty good, I don’t think I called anyone Fred who was really named Sally. At least I hope not.

I was particularly pleased to have our honored guests Joe and Joyce Nelson, formerly of Nelson’s Photography, with us. They were the first ones to have a photography studio in our space, and it has been a true joy to get to know them. Joe shared with Vanessa and me how he and Joyce had things when they were here, and we discovered that some of the cabinets we’re using in our office were built by Joe. They started with about 1/3 as much space as we currently occupy, so I feel pretty spoiled. Maybe they didn’t collect as much Just Ultra Neat Knick-knacks (J.U.N.K.) as I have?

Daniel Pendell won the Grand Prize of the painting, and Caitlyn Councilman took home Mr. Nelson’s beautiful wooden vase. Congratulations to both of you. We’re still working on notifying all the winners of the other prizes, so if you haven’t heard yet, don’t give up hope…you still have a chance.

The kids had fun with the piƱata, and it was harder to break open than I expected. We, OK they, also discovered that the pieces made great party hats. Yeah, fun! The ladies enjoyed the nail station, thanks Amy for being here; I really enjoyed getting pampered with the paraffin wax treatment myself. Of course there was too much food left over, but we’re recovering nicely. I only gained a couple of pounds, and that could have been much worse.

In hindsight, I should have slowed down and taken many more photos. I guess I should have hired someone to photograph my event! LOL. My friend Mynda pitched in and took several shots for me--thanks Myn--so most of the photos you see here are hers.

On a related but separate note, we’ve had a sign installed to help you find our building. It went up just in time for the open house. After all these years of being incognito, it feels strange to be on display for the public. But I'm excited about it (doesn't take much to excite me, huh?) since it seems like a step forward for the studio.

I'll write more soon, in the meantime, take care!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

A little R&R for R&R-Celebrating 25 years

Yes, it's true. Randy and I just celebrated a big milestone, our 25th Wedding Anniversary. I was feelin' pretty cool about it until one of my friends, who was my maid of honor at the wedding (love you RK) congratulated me on our Silver Anniversary. Silver! Wow! That's where the old folks have a party and serve a wedding cake with a big silver 25 on the topper. That's just not us! We're still young....aren't we?

Now let me point out that we were only kids when we got married. Wee children mind you. I was all of 17, and he was 19. (If you're doing math in your head, let me save you the trouble, I'm 42--are you happy now?) Let me also point out that life would have been much easier if we had waited until we were older. Thankfully we don't have kids to try to convince of that fact. Also, we were raised in a very different "neck of the woods" where it wasn't really uncommon for people to get married that young. OK, I think I'm through pointing things out.

Anyhow, being busy modern people....and young and adventurous to boot...we decided to celebrate, but didn't really have the time. We have a trip to Charleston planned later in the year when we can both get free, but it didn't seem right to let the "actual day" come and go with no acknowledgement.

I was looking for somewhere to sneak off for an overnight stay when I stumbled across http://www.pilotknobinn.com/ and found the cutest little log cabins for rent, almost in our back door. It's little tobacco barns that have been renovated. I didn't tell Randy what I was doing, but made the arrangements, pretended to be going in to work for the day and snuck back home to pack and finalize everything. I had a friend "steal" his vehicle, and whisked him away-a.k.a. kidnapped him- for a mini vacation.

We had the best time! This place has a beautiful setting, on a dirt road in the woods (a lot like where I grew up, but it even had indoor plumbing, unlike our house when I was a babe.) There were hiking trails, a small swinging bridge, a darling little front porch with rocking chairs, a two person tub and a real wood burning fireplace. It was a little piece of heaven. And don't get me started about the breakfast they served...wow. I mean WOW!

Before you ask, I took the photos myself using the self timer on my camera. I didn't have my tripod so I don't want to tell you the crazy things I did to perch that camera in a workable spot. That's some of that "don't try this at home" stuff.

We will be looking for excuses to go back, because anyplace this beautiful in the wintertime must be something else at other times of the year. Thanks Jennifer and Will for making our stay extra-special. We'll be back! And we know you'll leave the porch light on for us.

By the way, Randy and I decided to renew that marriage license for another 25 years. We're still pretty fond of each other. It may sound like a cliche, but it's awfully nice to be married to your best friend.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Decade Later....

Wow! Ten years. Can you believe it? It was 1999 when I started Memory Lane Portraits, and "they" are right, time does fly when you're having fun. There have been ups and downs, but I still love the thrills and challenges of my work, and the joy of capturing so many priceless moments for my clients. There's nothing more satisfying to me than creating something beautiful that will be enjoyed for years.

Sorry, didn't mean to get all sappy there. I can't help it.

Anyhow, we're thinkin' this calls for a celebration. Right?! So we want everone to come join us for a Open House Party on Saturday, Feb. 14th (yes, that's Valentine's Day) from 1:00 to 4:00.

It's going to be a lot of fun. We have a harpist coming to play for us (you will be enchanted by young Miss Taylor Ann), a nail technician setting up to do nails, plus refreshments and Valentines of course.

If you throw in some roses and movie tickets and it will be the perfect date for Valentines Day. Oh yeah, we'll let the kids have some fun with a piniata around 2:00. Plus we have new products to introduce--portrait jewelry to canvas wraps and paintings--we can't wait to show you!

Not only is this our 10 year milestone, but it's 38 years that there has been a photography studio in our building. Joe and Joyce Nelson opened up Nelson's Photography in 1971. If you (or someone you know) was photographed by the Nelsons, please come by during the Open House and say "Hi!" to Joe and Joyce. We're going to have a special door prize drawing just for their former clients. Someone is going to win a joint session with Joe and myself, and a 16x20 portrait. That's worth over $200.

But the prizes don't end there, that's just the beginning. We've got over $3,000 in prizes to give away! Check out this list:

  • 25 people will walk away with $50 gift certificates for FREE sessions.

  • Enter our online drawing -send your name, e-mail address, and phone # to vanessa@rhondaswebsite.com with PICK ME in the subject line. We'll be giving away another 25 gift certificates for FREE sessions* worth $50 each. And yes, you can enter online and at the Open House for a chance to win in both drawings.

  • Mr. Joe Nelson has created a one-of-a-kind wood vase to be given away--see the photo here, he may not be photographing clients anymore, but he certainly is still making art. (Makes me wish I could enter the drawing myself, but Vanessa and I figured it wouldn't look good if we won it.)

  • $50 gift certificate for the winners choice of Premiere Jewelry.
  • Gift Certificate from Taylor Ann for a personal harp performance-great for your church, event, party or even to cheer someone up a the hospital or nursing home.

  • GRAND PRIZE - 15x30 framed portrait in our NEW Masterpiece Paintings finish, valued at over $1500.
Hope you can come, and bring a friend. See you there!

*Gift Certificates valid for sessions completed by May 1st.